And just so you know…
Okofen 10kW hand fed biomass boiler Gasokol 2-panel on-roof solar thermal system 4kWp JA solar 16 x 250w solar panels
And we overcame challenges…
David & Jenny’s property had a Cambrian slate roof, which meant tiles could not be removed to fix the solar panels, so PFE used specialist “Solar Limpet” brackets that meant no tiles had to be removed or would get damaged.
And more than a little extra incentive…
David & Jenny also get paid for the electricity they produce through the Government’s FEED-IN TARIFF (FIT) scheme plus they get RENEWABLE HEAT INCENTIVE (RHI) on their Biomass and Solar Thermal.
And added flexibility…
The boiler can be tailored precisely to David & Jenny’s needs, and if David & Jenny enlarge or remodel their home, their system can be adapted to meet their new requirements.
David & Jenny needed to get their old LPG boiler replaced.
When David & Jenny needed to replace their old boiler, they turned to a trusted supplier they had used for electrical work in the past – Pro-Fit Energy (PFE). David & Jenny wanted to lower their bills and take advantage of the Governments FIT and RHI scheme.
PFE wanted to give David & Jenny an integrated heating and hot water system that would save them money.
PFE recommended a biomass boiler fuelled with wood pellets to maximise heating efficiency within David & Jenny’s property, and a solar thermal system on David & Jenny’s roof to fully integrate with the biomass boiler and further increasing efficiency and lowering costs.
David & Jenny now have a much warmer house, and their costs have gone down signicantly.
Some of the benefits PFE’s solution provides David & Jenny:
Weather compensation controls – David & Jenny’s biomass boiler only uses the amount of fuel needed to match the heat that is lost from his home. So the temperature they choose for their house remains constant, just perfect.
Reduced energy bills, plus David & Jenny are generating additional income through the FIT and RHI schemes.
The new boiler is fully automated to carry out daily cleaning, ignition and output adjustments without David & Jenny lifting a finger.
David & Jenny’s system has an extremely low environmental footprint.
What do you think David & Jenny?
“I would suggest that they [PFE] are one of the best installers in the country today. They know what they are doing and are very clean, tidy and professional in their work. The results have turned out to be better than they predicted and I consider the installation to be one of the best investments I have made.”